Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How to keep your man and keep him happy.

We all have our needs as much as men. But in order to make them understand you, you need to give them a little. I know it might sound strange but it doesn't hurt. I recently noticed how listening to there problems and making suggestions helps them take stress off of them. To cut everything short I'll give you some steps that helped my man want to stay, and stay happy being with me.

1. If he did something nice for you, reward him with something nice in return and maybe some Lovin
2. If theres arguing involved and it escalates, don't complain. take deep breaths talk things out, understand why he's angry or explain to him why your angry in an unoffensive manner. If the argument is about him doing something wrong, just explain it in a way that he won't feel annoyed.
3. LISTEN. Don't bore him if you talk to much. Let him talk too. You'de be surprised of how well you'll get to know him.
4. You want some attention? some affection? and maybe him listening to you?
Even if he hasn't done nothing nice for you, do something nice for him. As we all know most of the time men think of sex. So why not be that freak in the bed. Get some lingerie. do something new in the bed.

Well ladies, I leave you with these 4 steps. Use them wisely. If you ever need any more tip just ask.

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